2019. December 12.
Anachrony is changing its product structure, so if you are not familiar with it, let us walk you through our new retail portfolio for this epic time-travel worker placement game, which will be available in our webshop early next year. Here's what we'll have:
- Anachrony Essential Edition: The core Anachrony experience - the 2-4 player base game with revamped character art.
- Exosuit Miniature Set: Includes 4x6 large Exosuit miniatures for each Path. No gameplay-related content is included.
- Classic Expansion Pack: Includes the Doomsday, the Pioneers of New Earth and the Guardians of the Council modules, along with the 6 Guardian Exosuit miniatures.
Please note that this product structure doesn't introduce any new content compared to the previous one - it merely breaks down the current content a bit more so that it can be mixed and matched better at a suitable price. The new products will also replace the Base Box and the Exosuit Commander Pack - these will not be available in retail anymore.

- The old and the new solo modes (Chronobot and Chronossus)
- Brand new Path of Unity with 6 new Exosuit miniatures
- New Leaders (even for the original Paths)
- New type of workers
- New main location
- Innovative game mechanics
Future Imperfect will introduce three new modules: Hypersync, Quantum Loops and Intrigues of the Council, improving the time travel mechanism and player interaction.