Reviews & Donations

    Thank you for your interest in reviewing one of the Mindclash Games titles. Please kindly note that if you request and receive a review copy of any of our games, you are obligated to create and share a substantial review (video, podcast, written article, etc.) of it within 2 months of the delivery. While we champion all content creators of our beloved industry, our resources as a small publisher are limited, so we ask for your understanding if we don’t accept your request. Thank you!

    If you are organizing a convention or raising funds for a charity, please let us know about the work you do and send an email to

    Anachrony Essential EditionAnachrony Classic ExpansionAnachrony - Fractures of Time expansionAnachrony - Future Imperfect expansionCerebria - The Inside WorldCerebria - Forces of Balance expansionCerebria - The Card GameSeptimaSeptima - Shapeshifting&Omens ExpansionTrickerion - Legends of IllusionTrickerion - Dahlgaard's Academy expansionTrickerion - Dawn of Technology expansionVoidfallAstraIronwood
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