2022. January 28.
If you have been following our previous newsletters, you might be waiting eagerly for the restock of our Anachrony and Trickerion retail product lines that we promised for mid-January. We are a little bit past that deadline, but we finally have an official date: the restock is coming on 🎆February 7, 3 pm CET🎆!
Besides the issues that are plaguing global logistics, the other reason behind this slight delay is that we're taking this opportunity for a large-scale webshop overhaul. We're moving from Shopify to a custom-developed platform, which is taking a bit longer than expected, but it will be much easier to track our stock, navigate the page from the customers' side, and of course, it will look MUCH better.😊 If you are reading this from the UK, we have more good news for you: the long-overdue UK shipping will be re-enabled in the new webshop!🥳
We are really close to the finish line - thank you very much for your patience, and see you in the new Mindclash Games webshop with all Anachrony and Trickerion retail products on February 7!
Until then, here is a little sneak peek of the new look!

As you can probably tell from the video, the prices of our products will slightly differ from those you currently see in the old webshop (also, please note that those are our prices in Euros for Germany. European prices may differ depending on the VAT amount of your country.). For the past seven years, we did our best to keep our prices stable, but with the raw material, production, and shipping costs having skyrocketed in 2021, our old pricing became unsustainable - a sad phenomenon we're seeing everywhere in our industry, as well as many others.
Top-notch production value is an integral part of Mindclash Games' identity, so with quality compromises out of the question, we made the hard decision to slightly increase the price of most of our products. We sincerely hope that even with this 10-15% average increase, you will continue to feel that you have received excellent quality and value for your money - which is what we're constantly striving for.
Thank you very much for your continued support!
The Mindclash Games team