Trickerion – Magicians #5

2023. March 27.

The great Optico


The Sanderberg dynasty’s youngest talent, Leo, was the fourth generation of magicians in his family. His male ancestors were also masters of optical illusion, so following his lineage and becoming a magician himself was a given. However, the pressure of the family name was great and his demanding father all but strengthened this feeling in him. His anxiety led to him failing his first standalone performance – a very personal disappointment that forced him into self-exile in order to find peace. 

His journey eventually took him to the Far East, where one day, he heard of the monastery of the silent monks high up in the mountains. He decided to join them in tranquility. Five years passed in silence, contemplation, and practice until he felt ready to return to his life. He returned to Magoria filled with a desire to show his great talent to his family, only to find out that his father passed away in his absence. As he was standing stricken at his father’s grave, he promised that he will honor his father's memory by becoming the most famous optical illusionist of all time. Leo proceeded to create his own circus of optical illusion and started performing as The Great Optico.

Because visually misleading people is his profession, it should be unsurprising if Optico double-crosses another Illusionist by imitating her own tricks.