Anachrony – Leaders – Patriarch Haulani

2023. March 27.

Patriarch Haulani

Patriarch Haulani is the youngest Leader in the Path’s history. But, as wisdom and life experience are among the most important virtues of the Path’s society, it was a long way for him to earn the respect of his people and his partner, Zaida.

Haulani had always been more into adventures than politics, and the years spent on the exploration missions with the Cultivators not only hardened his resolve but also revealed his remarkable courage and prowess. Thanks to the Cultivators’ tireless work under Haulani’s command, Wellspring’s lush vegetation started spreading rapidly across the wastelands of New Earth, claiming more and more living space for the Path of Harmony.

In time, Zaida realized she underestimated Haulani, and they started getting closer to each other. Haulani’s days as a Cultivator are now behind him, and he’s leading the Path of Harmony in a perfect consensus with Matriarch Zaida.